Hello Dear Ones
If you're exploring my website then I'd like to give you an idea of who I am. First of all...in my world coincidences are the norm and are never just Koinky Doinks. I consider them sign posts that deserve acknowledgement. I believe you were guided here and I encourage you to take your time in checking things out. I am making a few changes... I was born with my abilities and I've spent many years in developing them. I live with great gratitude and believe this is a charmed life for sure! I see the Great Spirit, Creator in everyone and everything. I feel connected with the divine design in the beauty of this life and this keeps being affirmed with many incredible experiences in both everyday realms as well the spiritual ones. The work and service I do and provide is greatly inspired and rooted within earth based spirituality and traditional ceremonies that have helped me heal and grow as a human being; especially as a Life Giver. In early 2023 I had every intention of writing in this blog on a weekly basis when I suffered the worst loss of my life. My beloved son lost his life to the disease of addiction close to mid April 2023. A few days later my mother, his Grandma, followed him into the spirit world when her heart suddenly stopped. They have been in contact with me spiritually and are healing where they are. It's been a roller coaster ride for this Life Giver/Daughter but I keep on keeping on. I'm writing about this because it helps my healing process, it moves energy and helps create the energy I need to write this blog and do readings for my clients with. After I took a short break...the last 6 months of 2023 showed me that my grieving process is bringing a new type of welcomed depth to the spiritual mediumship I do for my clients. I am looking forward to sharing more along the way via this blog but for now I plan to be away a lot this summer as I have a lot of healing and integration work to do for myself making my availability somewhat intermittent. I want to wish each and everyone of you the vibrant good health and happiness, always! I encourage you to hug your dear ones along the way! Sending you hummingbirds, with love!
Divining Hearts Love ListHello everyone how are you doing?! I'm doin fine! I recently read for a client that has been to me a number of times over the years and I felt called to share some of the good vibrations that were created during the session. I am ALWAYS GRATEFUL for my clients and whatever it is they are bringing to the table therefore I am adding this experience to my Divining Hearts Love List!
The session was short but intense partly because there was a lot of in depth things to cover...and a few dragons to slay in the process. What impressed me was that my client communicated her trust in me simply by disclosing their honest feelings about what had occurred in their family dynamics. I could sense that she was being fair in how she described her role and its influence in the matter that her family was dealing with. Some family members don't always play fair and her vulnerability in this situation was palatable. Her willingness to be vulnerable in her session may now prove to be her STRENGTH amongst key family members! There was and still is a lot at stake so shifting the energy in good ways against some karmic odds would prove challenging yet rise to the challenge, my client did indeed! I am confident that she will absolutely prevail in her endeavours within challenging family relationships! Certain tools were engaged...courageous tears did fall....acknowledgements were declared and mutual gratitude between client and practitioner were expressed. Whenever I am called on to witness, support and sometimes guide my dear clients as they endeavour to do the work needed to live within the grace of forgiveness, I am humbled with gratitude for their inspirational courage that is needed for this process. I am sending you all Hummingbirds! Spiritual visions have been coming in thru dreams and waking life lately.This Life Giver is being guided to pay attention as it's a healthy sign I'm doing things in a good way. I am grateful to my spirit guides and colleagues for their support and encouragement!
I work with horses and sometimes I just hang out for the privileged pleasure of basking in their lovely healing energies. Honest. This is who they are...honest and loving with how they deliver truth to those who care about and for them. I am grateful to say at least one or more horses this past week has taken the time to simply breathe....me in! Using their noses they explore me pausing to take in my breath...the connection feels amazing and sometimes I can feel it changing me in such a profound way it's tricky to describe. I feel incredibly blessed to have had these experiences because to this horsy gal....it's pure love I get to absorb and take with me to share with you all! Blessings to each of you... I am sending you hummingbirds so watch for them! They may show up in person or in other ways! With love, Angela Welcome the beginning of my Love List Blog!
I live and walk in gratitude. Life is challenging therefore I make a point of beginning and closing my days with an acknowledgement of gratitude for my daily experiences. I don't always write them down but I never fail to charge my morning slurp on some fresh filtered H2O with a beautiful affirmation that goes something like this: "I AM WORTHY, AND DESERVING, OF THE BEST IN LIFE AND IN LOVE...I AM ENJOYING VIBRANT GOOD HEALTH IN BODY MIND AND SPIRIT! I AM BLESSED TO WALK IN BEAUTY WITH GRACE AND GOOD HUMOUR!" Here's a few things my heart is feeling grateful for this past week; * A luxuriously cold Spirit bath in the Sooke River...oh ya! * A couple of rare old growth Standing Cedar People only a few of us know and visit * The moment a friendly horse stopped me to breathe me in....heavenly! * The joy of watching my two kitties playing together; they just melt me! * The absolute pleasure of reading for a client that's been with me for nearly 30 years! * A laughter filled late morning with a couple of kindred spirits I share forest time with! * Healing tears shared with a good friend over the loss of her heart connected horse... * The morning frost... Divining Hearts is a service I love giving!Meet Sam! He is going to be 3 this year omgoodness time flies when you're having fun. If you come to my studio you'll meet him as he loves to greet clients! Unless of course you'd prefer he is behind a closed door due to allergies. No worries! Also please keep in mind that I am mobile and can come to you in your allergy free environment!